Vessels unto Honour by Pastor E A Adeboye

Vessels unto Honour by Pastor E A Adeboye

Topic: Vessels unto Honour Text: 2 Timothy 2: 20-21 Ministering: Pastor E A Adeboye In every house, you have: • A dustbin for disposing refuse • A broom for sweeping • Cutleries, cups, and other dining vessels. • Some are vessels unto honour, and vessels unto dishonour; all are vessels. What kind of vessel do you want to be? • Dining vessels are vessels unto honour that are always in the presence of the Master. Advantages of being a vessel unto honour: ▪︎The Master is constantly touching vessels unto honour. ▪︎You'll constantly hear what is spoken in the heavens; you'll be privy to what God is saying. 2 Corinthians 12: 2-4 ▪︎As a vessel unto honour, the Master constantly breathes on you. John 20: 21-23 ▪︎ If you're a vessel unto honour on God's table, God kisses you. He talked to Moses mouth-to-mouth. Numbers 12: 5-8 • When you get a kiss from God, whatever you speak is done. You can not have all these benefits without requirements: ☆ Anyone who will be a vessel unto honour in the hand of God must be one who can endure. 2 Timothy 2:3 ☆ To be a winner, you must endure rigorous self-discipline. 1 Corinthians 9: 24-27 All vessels unto honour (and the military/para-military/police) have certain things in common: 1. Instant obedience. John 15:14 • God may give you an instruction that is seemingly unreasonable. But remember that He is the Almighty God who knows all. 2. Submission to authority. • God expects every vessel unto honour to be submitted to Him 100%. Jeremiah 18: 1-6, Matthew 11: 28-30 • When you come to Jesus, you're coming under a new Master. A life of discipline begins. 2 Timothy 4:2 • If you're a vessel unto honour, God will protect you specially. ♡ There are great things ahead, but only for vessels unto honour. Salvation Call If you want to stop playing church and want to truly surrender to the Jesus: Ask the Lord to have mercy on you, wash you clean, save your soul, and make you a vessel unto honour. Prayer Point: • Father, I will be a vessel unto honour all the days of my life. Father, use me for Your glory.

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